Stephen Hawkins great scientific claims: the human race could be extinct warning
"If humans are to save their existence within the next one
thousand years the earth will look like in another dwelling," such
claimant no astrologer, but are hot physicist Stephen hakingsa. The
fastest humans on earth to use and consumption of resources is doing it
too fast crisis has drawn hakingsale said. If they continue to live
human task and its deadline to agree the next one thousand years in the
hakingsa designated as another planet earth human settlements room. But
the only man on earth who are only human, he will be at risk of
extinction. "We humanity, for the future of space exploration should
be," 74-year-old scientist hakingsale Oxford University's speech and
said, 'dwelling for the Earth Options another location nakhojikana I do
not think that we are human race sustain another one thousand years more
than live with. "One hour of his speech, he of the earth in Genesis,
einstein relativism theory, the earth and classmates react origin story
had also discussed. The challenge for mankind in the future are too
large, they have to live on earth and that he had been proud saidhantika
physics research. "We have to understand the picture of the universe
has changed over the past 50 years, too. But even if only a small
contribution to it, I think I'm happy, "he said. He said that the
program, answer the question asked - we sit on earth other than the
place of settlement is the best option to save the human race. "One time
a year, the earth accidents than, the accident marked the grow and the
next one thousand or ten thousand years, such accidents have almost
certainly is," he said - "that time we have another location or star
phailisaknuparcha so on earth by accident human Cai end protest. "In
recent years, particularly the construction of the intellectual affected
device is made hakingsalai concerned. "He had built such intellectual
device itself, it develops and himself reconstruction continues,
'hakingsale said," The organic growth limit would be as they have such a
device can not compete. "In 200 9 from the US NASA mankind alternative
habitation for the Earth like planets search has begun. Places for its
researchers have identified 4600 as the earth. Another planet orbiting
our sun for the first time was found in 1 in 99 5.

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