Beatiful woman massive driving truck
This is Gene, a lady trucker I met at an Alabama truckstop in Huntsville earlier this year. Gene is what we call, good people. I saw this after talking to her for about 2 mins. She didn’t hesitate to share her experience. In this video about trucking life for women, Gene give great advice for life in general.It was only a matter of time before trucking companies started actively recruiting women. Women in trucking are like the new trend but with good reason. I have heard a trainer say more than once they rather train a woman than a man. Some even brag about the skills by the time they are done with training.
In theory women drive less aggressive and more cautious so that should also mean they are less likely to be involved in accidents.
Perhaps this occurs because men resist the trainer’s instruction being more focused on ‘getting it himself’ while the woman is fully attentive and absorbs each step as its given. Who knows, that’s my theory anyway.
What I do know is there are a lot more women in trucking now than it was 10 years ago when I started. I see women driving almost every day out here now.
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